#1: Jiaogulan- the Most Remarkable Health Tea in the World Autor: ellasanti29, Poslato: Pet Jul 16, 2010 9:00 am ---- Jiaogulan is one of the most remarkable teas in the world. It is commonly found and widely popular in Asia since it does not only have a lot of benefits but it also serves as a good anti-oxidant. Find out more interesting benefits of jiaogulan and you'll be surprised on how it can help! jiaogulan benefits of jiaogulan
#2: Re: Jiaogulan- the Most Remarkable Health Tea in the World Autor: hoppla, Lokacija: DalmacijaPoslato: Pet Jul 16, 2010 9:20 am ---- A sta je ovo sad? Sad moze i na engleskom
#3: Re: Jiaogulan- the Most Remarkable Health Tea in the World Autor: dekalend, Poslato: Čet Jan 13, 2011 9:57 am ---- To je biljka za čaj. Izuzetnih svojstava. Piše da se lako gaji i kod nas
#4: Re: Jiaogulan- the Most Remarkable Health Tea in the World Autor: buldozerko, Lokacija: BeogradPoslato: Sub Jun 09, 2012 8:29 pm ---- Jel ima neko seme?
jel ima kod Kineza u 70. da se kupi?
#5: Re: Jiaogulan- the Most Remarkable Health Tea in the World Autor: Aleksandra.Tepic, Lokacija: Novi SadPoslato: Sub Jun 09, 2012 8:47 pm ---- Ne znam za seme, ali sadnica ima da se kupi u rasadniku Mali vrt
#6: Re: Jiaogulan- the Most Remarkable Health Tea in the World Autor: buldozerko, Lokacija: BeogradPoslato: Sub Jun 09, 2012 9:36 pm ---- Hvala Saškice