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Salacca zalacca
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-> Palme

#1: Salacca zalacca Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Pon Jul 04, 2011 11:24 am
donela koleginjica iz balija... veoma interesantni plodovi, evo sta je to u stvari... tekstom, a slike su iz mobilnog, nisam mogo da izdrzim Very Happy

Current name: Salacca zalacca
Family: Palmae

Botanic description
A relatively small, usually dioecious, very spiny, creeping and tillering palm, growing in compact clumps formed by successive branching at the base. Roots not extending to great depth. Stem a mostly subterranean stolon with only its terminal leafbearing part more upright, reaching a length of several metres and 10-15 cm in diameter, often branching; new roots growing out of the stem immediately under the crown of leaves; internodes very congested, leaf traces inserted almost horizontally. Leaves pinnate, 3-7 m long; leaf-sheaths, petioles and leaflets armed with numerous, long, thin, grey to blackish spines; leaflets 20-70 cm x 2-7.5 cm. Inflorescence an axillary compound spadix, stalked, at first enclosed by spathes; male inflorescence 50-100 cm long, consisting of 4-12 spadices, each 7-15 cm x 0.7-2 cm, female one 20-30 cm long, composed of 1-3 spadices, 7-10 cm long. Flowers in pairs in axils of scales; staminate flowers with reddish, tubular corolla and 6 stamens borne on the corolla throat and a minute pistillode; pistillate ones with tubular corolla, yellow-green outside and dark red inside, a trilocular ovary with short trifid, red style and 6 staminodes borne on the corolla throat. Fruit a globose to ellipsoid drupe, 15-40 per spadix, ca. 5-7 cm x 5 cm, tapering towards base and rounded at top; epicarp (skin) comprised of numerous yellow to brown, united, imbricate scales, each scale ending in a fragile prickle. Seeds usually 3 per fruit, with 2-8 mm thick, fleshy, cream-coloured sarcotesta and a smooth, stony inner part, 23-29 mm x 15-27 mm, which is blackish-brown and trigonous with 2 flat surfaces and a curved one; endosperm homogeneous and white.
Natural Habitat
Salak thrives under humid tropical lowland conditions. Because of its superficial root system, the palm requires a high water table, rain or irrigation during most of the year, but it does not stand flooding. Fruit yield and quality in Java diminish above 500 m altitude. Salak is usually grown under shade.
Propagation and management
Propagation methods
Seeds are sown directly in the field (2-5 seeds together in 5 cm deep holes) or in nursery beds. The seedlings are planted out in the field during the rainy season when they are a few months old. Seed kernels taken directly from the fresh fruit germinate readily in less than a week under moist, shady conditions, even on top of the soil. After removal from the fruit the kernels quickly lose viability in storage, probably because the embryo dries out irreversibly: 55% germination was found after 1 week, 0% after 2 weeks. Germination becomes visible when the cylindrical embryo-containing plug is extruded through the germpore at the kernel's apex. A radicle soon emerges from the tip of the plug and the shoot, a main root and several secondary roots emerge from the sides of this plug. About 60-90 days after sowing the first complete leaf, bifid and some 20-30 cm long, is fully expanded, the seedling still being firmly attached to the kernel.

#2: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Pon Jul 04, 2011 11:27 am
evo kako izgleda palmica...samo jos da nikne Very Happy
sve mi je super kod nje, osim tih bodlji Smile

#3: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: YoneXLokacija: Zemun PošaljiPoslato: Čet Jul 07, 2011 8:23 pm
Srecno sa klijanjem, ova je bas tropska palma. Very Happy

#4: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Sub Jul 09, 2011 8:58 am
hvala, ma svidja mi se kako izgleda, samo te bodlje Sad

#5: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Sub Okt 01, 2011 10:43 pm
nikla jedna Igraj Jump

#6: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: YoneXLokacija: Zemun PošaljiPoslato: Sub Okt 01, 2011 10:46 pm
Kad stignes i sliku obavezno, da vidimo kako izgleda to cudo! Very Happy

#7: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Sub Okt 01, 2011 10:49 pm
ma lici na sve ostale palme... mala je, oko 4 cm, ali slikacu cisto radi evidencije na SB Wink

#8: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: YoneXLokacija: Zemun PošaljiPoslato: Pet Nov 11, 2011 2:35 pm
Jel nikla jos koja? Very Happy

#9: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Ned Nov 20, 2011 5:07 pm
yonex, nije nikla... ali kako je bodljikava a velika i dosta je jedna, jos samo da je odrzim u zivot, pa cemo ja mezimo plodove (za nekoh 20-tak godina) Ahahaha

#10: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: LidijaLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Ned Nov 20, 2011 5:26 pm
Meni se dopada baš zbog bodlji - one je odvajaju od ostalih Very Happy

#11: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Ned Nov 20, 2011 5:36 pm
sve dok ti se ne zabije u ruku... e polse i nije tako "posebna" Very Happy

#12: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: YoneXLokacija: Zemun PošaljiPoslato: Ned Nov 20, 2011 6:57 pm
Kad pocinju da joj rastu bodlje? Verovatno kad podeli listove ko i vecini drugih bodljikavih palmi?

#13: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Pon Nov 21, 2011 10:17 am
a vidi, za bodlji cemo sacekati nekih 10tak, a za plodove (ako ih nekad bude bilo) 30tak godinjica Ahahaha

#14: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: MusaceaeLokacija: Rijeka PošaljiPoslato: Čet Mar 08, 2012 4:06 pm
Cvetko, kako napreduje ta mala?

#15: Re: salacca zalacca snake fruit Autor: cvetkomakLokacija: Skopje PošaljiPoslato: Pet Mar 09, 2012 10:07 am
ma raste, videcemo u prolece dal ce da se malcice protegne Very Happy

-> Palme

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