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Samo sam ih pomerila da ne kisnu, posle jednog kratkog tuširanja za koje sam ubeđena da im je prijalo. Ispod trema su i posle te prve kiše nisam ih ni zalivala. Mislim da ne bi trebalo da im smeta ovaj pad temperature, ako regulišemo zalivanje. Veći šok bi im bio da sam ih unela u prozor, gde ima mnogo manje svetlosti, a i teže se diše Što se tiče sličnosti naših adenijuma, vidi se da su iz istih jaslica Ja prezadovoljna Itanovim izborom (on mi je kupio biljku) - izabrao je tačno po mojoj želji - da ima deeeeebelo stablo u dnu i puno grana. Možda grešim, čini mi se da je moja biljka malo bucmastija u dnu, a igrane počinju da rastu nešto višlje na stablu. U svakom slučaju meni su i u ovakvom stanju predivni i nadam se da ćemo ih lepo sačuvati preko zime (gde ti planiraš da ga držiš?), pa da uživamo u lepoj krošnji i cvetovima sledeće godine |
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It is a multi-trunked shrub or small tree growing about half as wide as it does high. It will grow from 5 to 8 feet in the wild. The trunk form, foliage, and flowers are all very attractive. Each desert rose creates its own sculptural design. The base is large (obesum) and in various shapes. The shiny long green leaves are attractive. Leaves normally fall in Winter. The Desert Rose produce a massive stem when growing older, but will start blooming when quite young, at only 6 inches (15cm) tall. Do pruning after the plant's rest period. Heavy pruning should be kept to a minimum. New shoots can be pruned regularly. The sap is poisonous, so clean hands after pruning. Hardiness zones 9 -11, (4°C/40°F,-5°C/25°F) in Winter. Extended periods below 40°F (4°C) might kill some of the branch tips. In Summer, if possible, move outdoors to a sunny or partly shaded location. Needs lots of light and fresh air. Keep in a bright location in Winter. Idealy, growing temperature should not be below 54°F (12°C). However, in the Winter, keeping it cool, between 54-61°F (12-16°C). Give the plant a needed rest. Fertilize monthly during Spring and Summer. Water when growing, keep on the side in Winter. The tree needs perfect drainage. It will lose leaves if overwatered. |
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