ivkoprelepi su, nego koje supstrate koristiš , vidim tu i kamenčiće i lomljene cigle ako se ne varam.... mene sve nešto strah oko presadjivanja da ne propadne kudeks.....
Hvala Neco ...posađeni su u mešavinu treseta,domaćeg komposta i drobljene cigle,ponegde ima malo šljunka-uglavnom na površini,da ne bi ispadao supstrat.
Hvala darling
#422: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: Vlacko, Lokacija: BeogradPoslato: Sub Sep 14, 2013 12:34 pm ---- Imam problem vezan za moj Adenium.
Odjednom su poceli da mu zute listovi, ne znam sta se desava.
A i caudex izgleda kao da se susi.
Molim vas da mi pomognete, sta treba da uradim?
P.S. Evo i par slika, da se vidi kako izgleda.
#423: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: tamarix.., Lokacija: Novi SadPoslato: Sub Sep 14, 2013 1:38 pm ---- ili je previse suva zemlja ili je previse vlazna (ako je meko stablo) ..ili nema dovoljno svetla..meni deluje da je ovo prvo.
#424: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: Vlacko, Lokacija: BeogradPoslato: Sub Sep 14, 2013 4:49 pm ---- Hvala Tamarix, stavio sam malo vode, pa cemo videti. Svetla ima dovoljno, mislim da to nije problem.
#425: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: tamarix.., Lokacija: Novi SadPoslato: Sub Sep 14, 2013 6:01 pm ---- trebalo bi na sunce..4-5h dnevno bi bilo idealno
#426: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: Aron021, Lokacija: Novi SadPoslato: Sub Sep 14, 2013 7:55 pm ---- Nikli su mi adeniumi. Da li sam pogresio sto sam odmah sklonio najlon sa saksija? I zanima me da li im je napolju sada hladno, tj. da li bi im vise prijalo da budu u kuci?
#427: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: tamarix.., Lokacija: Novi SadPoslato: Sub Sep 14, 2013 8:29 pm ---- Cim niknu treba najlon da se skine.Posto je nocu sada oko 10C a oni su mali mozda je ipak bolje da budu na unutra na prozoru koji ima najvise sunca.Ako je supstrat vlazan i hladno je moze doci do trulenja cudexa tj stabla.Inace min. temp. je 5C.
#428: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: tamarix.., Lokacija: Novi SadPoslato: Sub Sep 14, 2013 8:42 pm ---- Evo neceg o zalivanju..vrlo detaljno
The answer to "How much" is easy: when the plant is growing, always enough to wet the soil thoroughly with some coming out of the bottom of the pot. In winter, with the plant not in growth or even dormant, it may be necessary to water a little each time, just to keep the media from going bone dry.
The important decision is when or how often to water: this depends on a number of factors: season (whether the plant is actively growing), environment, media, etc.
Growth: when actively growing, Adeniums can use a lot of water- more than most people realize. Too little water at this time will check growth severely. Dormant Adeniums must be kept only very slightly moist. Some, like A. arabicum can be kept totally when dormant.
Environment: hot, conditions mean at least daily watering. Under cool winter conditions, even with some plant growth, watering may be every 7-10 days.
Media: in a media like Taiwan's, with very little water retention, regular watering is both necessary and desirable. More water retentive media like ours will need less frequent watering.
Container size: Large specimen plants require less frequent water, partly because big pots don't quickly and partly because large plants are more resistant to conditions.
Growth stage: young plants growing rapidly require frequent watering. Plants that are a few years old do not grow very rapidly and need less frequent watering.
Growth control: gradual holding of water and nutrients will give a toughened plant with hard caudex that will take winter better and ship safely.
Other factors: newly transplanted material requires especially careful watering till roots are well under way and growth starts. Under cool conditions do not water until shoot growth is seen. Conversely, pot bound plants will require frequent watering, to a certain extent because the caudex will have more or less squeezed all the media in the pot.
How to water is another aspect: Normally and when possible, water the media in the pot directly rather wet the foliage and flowers. This is particularly important when conditions are very humid, foliage is very thick or a lot of flowers are open. That said, occasional overhead drenching in the morning are great to clean out the foliage of dirt and dust and to refresh and rejuvenate plants on hot, days.
#431: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: Aconita, Poslato: Čet Sep 19, 2013 9:30 pm ---- i moji su na sigurnom sad svi. s obzirom da nema sanse da nosam sim tam sleper bilja steta, jos ih puno cvate... sad duga duga mracna zima. bwaaa depresija
#432: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: narnia, Lokacija: NisPoslato: Pet Sep 20, 2013 6:07 pm ---- I moji!Za ovu godinu zavrseno Doduse jos poneki cveta
#433: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: Kakteja, Poslato: Sub Sep 21, 2013 7:32 am ---- Narnia, krasan cvijet !
I ja sam svoje sklonila u ostakljenu verandu tako da imaju sunca kroz staklo, ali samo par sati u jutro, bar su na toplom i svjetlom. Kad još zahladi idu u kuću.
#434: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: NBonsai, Lokacija: BeogradPoslato: Sub Sep 21, 2013 9:58 pm ---- i za kraj sezone jedan swazicum
#435: Re: Adenium 2013 Autor: zabic, Lokacija: BeogradPoslato: Uto Sep 24, 2013 9:41 am ---- uffff koja boja... divan je NB :****