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-> Orhideje

#16: Re: seme orhideja Autor: tamspasLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Uto Jun 09, 2015 1:12 pm
agar tako sam videla na internetu neka crna masa kao zelatin na prirodnoj bazi . evo slika Very Happy

#17: Re: seme orhideja Autor: tamspasLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Uto Jun 09, 2015 1:14 pm
Ostatak Smile

#18: Re: seme orhideja Autor: MonkLokacija: Subotica PošaljiPoslato: Uto Jun 09, 2015 1:31 pm
kakva si sa engleskim ? Smile ovde imash doooosta o tome pa i 'home made'

#19: Re: seme orhideja Autor: tamspasLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Uto Jun 09, 2015 1:32 pm
to su moja tri phalaenopsis bilo ih je vise nego sam ih odnela kod mame na zapadnu stanu i od sest ostala su mi tri sprzili su se ... tu je i mini orhideja , i ovo su semenke koje sam pazarila:D

mogu da citam engleski. samo ne vidm link , ne snalazim se jos uvek na sajtu Question

#20: Re: seme orhideja Autor: zap666Lokacija: UE PošaljiPoslato: Uto Jun 09, 2015 1:45 pm
koliko vidim rec je o
Agar agar - u
tj vegetarijanskom želatinu koji mopže da se nabavi i kod nas

e sad koliko ljudi toliko i recepata Very Happy

Yes, the water is the base for the medium. The agar agar is needed to gel the liquid, here in Belgium we can buy it in the drugstore or pharmacy.

For the 1’st agar medium you need:

- hydrogen peroxide 3% to sterilize the seed
- 6 gr. agar-agar
- 1 ltr distilled water
- 2 gr. fertilizer 20-20-20
- 5 gr. sugar

Boil the distilled water with the sugar and fertilizer. Stir the solution till the powder is completely dissolved.
Then stir the agar powder in the solution. Let the media boil for ± 2 min. and keep stirring. Now you can fill the flasks and sterilize them.
Concerning the sterilization you can find full explanation on the site of Lotte and Thomas.
It can take several months before you will see protocorns.

Don't put too much seed in one flask so that they can grow as long as possible before you have to reflask.


jeste engleski ali mislim da je sve jasno, ako imas problem sa istim ubaci u google translate i bice dovoljno jasno
indijanski prevod >D

#21: Re: seme orhideja Autor: tamspasLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Uto Jun 09, 2015 2:48 pm
zap666 citat:
koliko vidim rec je o
Agar agar - u
tj vegetarijanskom želatinu koji mopže da se nabavi i kod nas

e sad koliko ljudi toliko i recepata Very Happy

Yes, the water is the base for the medium. The agar agar is needed to gel the liquid, here in Belgium we can buy it in the drugstore or pharmacy.

For the 1’st agar medium you need:

- hydrogen peroxide 3% to sterilize the seed
- 6 gr. agar-agar
- 1 ltr distilled water
- 2 gr. fertilizer 20-20-20
- 5 gr. sugar

Boil the distilled water with the sugar and fertilizer. Stir the solution till the powder is completely dissolved.
Then stir the agar powder in the solution. Let the media boil for ± 2 min. and keep stirring. Now you can fill the flasks and sterilize them.
Concerning the sterilization you can find full explanation on the site of Lotte and Thomas.
It can take several months before you will see protocorns.

Don't put too much seed in one flask so that they can grow as long as possible before you have to reflask.


jeste engleski ali mislim da je sve jasno, ako imas problem sa istim ubaci u google translate i bice dovoljno jasno
indijanski prevod >D
tralala + Very Happy

#22: Re: seme orhideja Autor: tamspasLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Uto Jun 09, 2015 2:49 pm
veoma je dobro i slikovito objasnjeno snalazim se sigurno

#23: Re: seme orhideja Autor: ptomicLokacija: Lazarevac PošaljiPoslato: Čet Feb 04, 2016 9:48 am
tamspas citat:
veoma je dobro i slikovito objasnjeno snalazim se sigurno

I ?
Meni isto treba da stignu semenčice Rainbow Phalaenopsis-a, pa da vidim da li to može da se uzgoji u kućnim uslovima. Smile
Gde i po kojoj ceni ima da se nađe ovaj fertilizer 20-20-20 ?

-> Orhideje

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