Kika_Almodovarova citat: | ||
Ako imaš uvjeta, ruže pošpricaj s vodom u kojoj je 2 dana stajala kopriva. Špricanje tim pripravkom 2-3 x tijekom se sezone bit će ti dovoljna zaštita od biljnih ušiju. |
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Ants: If you have ants crawling on your plants, you've probably got some bug problems that need to be addressed. Ants themselves do not harm your plants, and are sometimes there just to collect nectar. However, ants are little ‘farmers' that help several other bad bugs harm you plants. Ants like to farm aphids, white fly, scale, and mealy bug, which then pass ‘honeydew', a euphemism for their excrement, which is highly nutritious for the ant colony. The ants stroke the backs of the aphids with their antenna, and the aphids reward the ants with honeydew. As good farmers, the ants protect these bad bugs from their natural predators, attacking ladybug and lacewing larva coming to eat the aphids. Ants also carry aphids to the tender and most succulent new growth of plants. |
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E vidiš, to nisam pročitala Onda ipak treba i njih juriti |
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