topala citat: |
Alexa mislim da će im biti dovoljno ono prirodnog ( zimi manje sunca i manje vlage u stanu usljed grijanja a ti nastavljaj samo istimtempom zaljevati!) |
calypso citat: |
Ma biljka je u redu. Samo sam se nesretno izrazila, mislila sam na supstrat. Nemam oncidij, ali u mojoj knjizi pise vlaznost vazduha 60% uz provetravanje i zalivanje na 3-5 dana. Uzgred, da li da mom dendrobijumu dodam malo djubriva, barem sada dok cveta? U istoj knjizi pise da se djubrenje obustavlja od septembra do marta. ali on je tek sada u cvetu. ![]() |
Eleni citat: |
U medijaninim cvecarama, pre desetak dana, imase da se kupi DENDROBIJUM |
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When caring for Ludisia discolor, keep the medium moist but not wet. Soggy roots will soon rot on these plants. Their creeping nature makes them very good candidates for a terrarium, since they will grow out of a pot very fast |
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Jewel Orchid : Jewel orchids are used more for their foliage than their flowers. As you can see the foliage really is incredible. This particular plant is a Ludisia discolor, a terrestrial orchid that prefers low light and high humidity (and is therefore ideal for terrarium/vivarium growing). You can see it's almost in bloom, and will have a spike of several white flowers. NOTE: Although it looks like the orchids are planted in soil, they are actually rooted in a mix of bark and spaghum moss. |
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Air inside the home can sometimes be dry, which many houseplants, such as jewel orchid (Ludisia discolor), do not favor. To skirt this problem, top your container with a bell jar. The jar should fit the rim of your pot, in essence creating a terrarium. Place your setup in bright, filtered light but not direct sun. This concept also works well with carnivorous plants |
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Growing jewel orchids is fairly straightforward. Jewel orchids are terrestrial so they will need to be planted in a substrate that retains moisture but drains well. Premium grade sphagnum alone works very well but commercial terrestrial orchid mixes are also excellent. Give them high humidity, warm temperatures and low light and they will do fine. They make excellent terrarium plants and grow very well under fluorescent lights |
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Ludisia discolor A terrestrial orchid that prefers medium to low light and high humidity. Native to S.E. Asia. This is a low spreading plant with 3" elliptic maroon leaves that have metallic red to gold veins. Forms small white flowers on twisted yellow columns that are held upright. This is an ideal terrarium orchid since it remains small and thrives on high humidity and warm temperatures. Easy to grow. |
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If you want ferns, i would suggest only one in a tank that size. They will grow surprisingly (at least to me) large in as little as a year. Also try to find a small variety, such as 'Fluffy Ruffles'. I've linked a good source for it and other mini plants below. Tillandsias, cryptanthus, mini bromeliads, african violets (especially the minis), parlour palm (Chamadorea elegans, only while very small), fittonia (will need trimming occasionally), ficus pumila, ficus quercifolia, selaginellla, Ludisia discolor (jewel orchid) and pilea are also good |
lolka citat: |
Možda ste negdje pročitali,ali neko od ljubitelja orhideja sigurno nije. U tropskim šumama Vijetnama otkriveno desetak novih biljnjih i životinjskuh vrsta. Među njima, četiri vrste orhideja od kojih su tri bez lišća,samo cvjetovi. Na dodatnom posmatranju su još četiri biljke. Vjerovatno orhideje. |
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