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Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamerei)
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#406: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamerei) Autor: LidijaLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Čet Maj 05, 2011 7:24 am
A sada nešto pokupljeno s neta:



The substrate for Pachypodium baronii in cultivation is an acidic loose peat mixed with gneiss sand at a pH level of 4. Temperatures from spring to autumn, day and night are respectively 12°C (53.6 °F) to 40°C (104 °F). In the winter, night and day temperatures should range from 12°C (53.6 °F) to 20°C (68 °F) or more. It will after four years of growth flower profusely in the spring. As well, it needs a larger pot size than other Pachypodium species. It water regime is to water a lot during growing season and very little during the resting time only to prohibit trying out of roots. Propagation is by seeds.


This Pachypodium is highly phototropic and the stem is usually curved toward the light. Do not turn your plant trying to prevent this because all you will do is create a zig-zag looking plant.

The flowers are especially nice in this species and are produced serially over a six week period in mid spring.


Latin name: Pachypodium baronii
Common name: Pachypodium baronii
Plant group:
Plant family:
Subtropical Dry low-savanna or steppe climate
Minimal temperature: 13-15°C (55-59°F)
Optimal temperature: 26-28°C (78-82°F)
Recommended place:
sunny or penumbral
Plant form:
tree-like, arboraceous
Height: 50 cm (19.5 in.)
Flower color:
dark red
Repotting: every 48 months (4 years)
Rarity: yes
Black Root Rot (Thielaviopsis basicola)
Origin country:


Toliko za sada, tražim dalje. Ne znam koliko se Joca razume u Baronii, ali, ako zna, bilo bi lepo da napiše nešto o uzgoju. Čudno mi ovo što sam na par mesta našla da traži kiselu zemlju... a ne znamo ni joka je podvrsta
- Pachypodium baronii v baronii ili - Pachypodium baronii v windsorii

#407: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: ghostriderLokacija: uzice PošaljiPoslato: Čet Maj 05, 2011 11:15 am
I ja pronadjoh na onom 'mom' ruskom sajtu, pa uz pomoc translatora ( pozdrav za gosp. Veljanovic Bye Bye ) prebachih na engleski.

Name: Pachypodium baronii (Pahipodium Baron)

The family Apocynaceae.
The origin of Madagascar.

Very interesting, not tall, succulent shrub from South Africa. Growing on steep rocky slopes. Forms a bulge at the base of the trunk (caudex), which stores water and nutrients in the islands. Rather rare! Flowers from pink to bright red stains. Very hardy. Effectively it looks in the low wide ploshkah.Dlya flowering is necessary to ensure sunny location, sparse watering, top dressing fertilizer for cacti and succulents and a rest period from October to February. Recommended for planting in a very bright room on the window sills (except northern) and winter gardens. In winter, due to lack of light can reset the leaves.

Milky sap is poisonous!

For planting a mixture of leaf, sod of earth and sand (1:1:1). pH = 6-7.

In summer the plants are kept on open sunny areas, as t is not lower than 22 ° C. In winter, when t = 15-18 ° C. Watering from October to February is very rare. Dislikes water stagnation and hypothermia earthen coma. Transplanting mature plants conducted every few years, in well-drained mix.

Sowing is carried out year round in well-drained mixture of leaf, sod of earth and sand, or in ready-mix for cacti. Germinated at t = 20-27 ° C.

Za Pachypodium baronii var. windsorii pise isto za odrzavanje, od reci do reci

Ovo su slike sa njihovog sajta www.falconlabs.ru/#

#408: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: mirceLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Čet Maj 05, 2011 1:27 pm
Sto ste vredne vas dve Shocked Mogle ste i na srpskom da nam servirate Mr. Green
Pocinjem da se tresem nad njim Znoji se a tek nad onom bebicom od brevicaulea Shizofrenija Sto ne kupih petunije Uhh

#409: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: chikoLokacija: kočane PošaljiPoslato: Čet Maj 05, 2011 9:54 pm
Pozdrav svima!Evo i naše palmice.

#410: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: ghostriderLokacija: uzice PošaljiPoslato: Sub Maj 07, 2011 2:08 pm
Stigliiiiiii Igraj Igraj Igraj

Sunce sija Sunce sija Sunce sija

#411: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: mirceLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Sub Maj 07, 2011 5:30 pm
Gle ostali su citavi Mr. Green

#412: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: DivaLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Sub Maj 07, 2011 9:33 pm
gle, nemaju cp Mr. Green

onaj mali bubisa je pravi vanzemaljac Razz

#413: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: ghostriderLokacija: uzice PošaljiPoslato: Sub Maj 07, 2011 11:53 pm
Vepi kao vutke <3 <3

I meni je breviculae miljenik. Onaj sa titulom ce biti kada procveta Mr. Green

#414: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamerei) Autor: ggmLokacija: Beogradski pašaluk PošaljiPoslato: Ned Maj 08, 2011 12:09 am
Grof od Monte Krista Ahahaha

#415: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: ghostriderLokacija: uzice PošaljiPoslato: Ned Maj 08, 2011 12:24 am
Mislim da su ovi nasi baronii propraceni sa vise paznje nego kraljevsko vencanje sa svim gostima, nosiocima raznozaraznih titula :R

#416: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: aeskaLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Ned Maj 08, 2011 6:47 am
Drhtalo se nad njima ko da su poslednji primjerci vrste Znoji se

#417: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamerei) Autor: LidijaLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Ned Maj 08, 2011 7:30 am
Čuj, mislim da nisu poslednji, ali su jedni od prvih kod nas, što je bar jednako važno Cool Moj mališa je juče bio na sunčanju i ne znam smem li da vam kažem Znoji se Zaboravila sam ga noćas na zidu, sa sve sejancima adenijuma Znoji se Doduše, ova noć je bila nešto toplija od prethodnih. Jutros sam ga unela i sad čekam da ponovo otopli i razvedri se...

#418: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: DivaLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Ned Maj 08, 2011 9:19 am
bole te usi, imas banju za oporavak na tri koraka Cool

#419: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamerei) Autor: ghostriderLokacija: uzice PošaljiPoslato: Ned Maj 08, 2011 11:05 am
Lidija citat:
...ali su jedni od prvih kod nas, što je bar jednako važno Cool ...
... a zna se da prvi ostaju u najlepsem secanju :R

Moj je ushushkan medju ljubicice, a brevicaule bio medju kaktusima na chvarenju,pa unet u ranim vecernjim satima u zimovnik. Ovih dana temperature kod mene variraju od 2C ( par noci) do 28C ( juce popodne). I ja to tesko podnosim Znoji se ,a kako je njima, pricace mi kada se malo bolje upoznamo Wink

#420: Re: Pachypodium-Madagaskarska palma(baronii,brevicaule,lamer Autor: mirceLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Ned Maj 08, 2011 10:41 pm
Diva citat:
bole te usi, imas banju za oporavak na tri koraka Cool
Pocele i mene da bole usi,koristim istu banju Laugh

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