LidijaM citat: |
... u svakom slučaju, ako imate manje biljaka ili ako vam se pojavi na terasi, dobro je biljke koje to podnose redovno tuširati hladnijom vodom, povećati vlažnost oko njih (recimo posude sa vodom oko saksija) ... |
bokalče citat: |
Peach i ja imamo izgleda istu knjigu iz koje čituckamo, ali nijedna ovo ne reče, pa eto ja da dodam..... |
okianer citat: |
a imam jedno pocetnicko pitanje,da li ostaje preko zime na liscu ili zimi nestaje a pojavljuje se sa vrucinama |
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One common problem with blooming plants is they seem to come with gnats. Gnats are the small black pesky flies that seem to fly up your nose and into your eyes! They like dark moist environments. I found the best way to avoid gnats is to keep your decorative containers cleaned out, and don't let water sit in the bottom. If your plants are directly planted in the containers, let them to the touch between watering. PRUNING: Remove dead & unsightly foliage at base of plant. Remove any faded or brown flowers. |
Jelencica citat: |
Ne mogu da nadjem temu pa molim urednike stetocina da me spoje ako postoji slicna Ovih dana nalazim sve vise sicusnih crvenih paukova po nekim biljkama. Kako da ih se otarasim? Nisam primetila neku stetu, i nikada nisam imala problema sa napasnicima pa ne znam nista o ovome. Hvala unapred |
Jelencica citat: |
Ovi "moji" su lepo vidljivi golim okom i drecavo crveni su! Mislim da to nije to. Po vasim slikama i onim sto sam videla na netu ne deluje mi uopste isto. Nadam se da sam u pravu. |
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"Crveni je pauk grinja gotovo prozirnog tijela koju mijenja ovisno o biljci kojom se hrani." -otud zabuna. I drukčiju štetu, čitam, napravi biljkama u tegli nego onima u vrtu (npr. cp donese bakterije od kojih istrune korijen, o čemu je netko ranije pisao-mrzim ih Evil or Very Mad ) |
cimbi citat: |
Ma ni to nije tacno, za sunce, crvene su samo jedinke koje su prezimile napolju. |
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Chemical Control - Miticides Spider mites are usually not killed by regular insecticides, so be sure to check the pesticide label to see if "miticide" is present. Pesticides claiming "for mite suppression" are usually weak miticides and will not perform well. There are few products available to the homeowner. Dicofol (=Kelthane) is registered for over-the-counter use but is difficult to find. Acephate (=Orthene), dimethoate (=Cygon), chlorpyrifos (=Dursban), diazinon, disulfoton (=Di-syston), and malathion have over-the-counter product labels but are considered weak miticides. Avermectin (=Avid), bifenthrin (=Talstar), dienochlor (=Pentac), fenbutatin-oxide (=Vendex), fluvalinate (=Mavrik), oxamyl (=Vydate), oxydemeton-methyl (Metasystox-R), oxythioquinox (Morestan), and propargite (=Omite) are restricted use pesticides available only to licensed applicators |
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Controlling Infestations Spider mites are one of the more difficult groups of landscape pests to control. Infestations are easiest to control when detected early, before the mite populations have reached very high levels. Twospotted spider mite infestations can often be traced to the purchase of infested plant material, especially bedding and houseplants. When buying new plants, it pays to inspect the lower leaf surfaces for evidence of mites. Spraying plants with a strong stream of water from a garden hose or faucet can dislodge many mites from leaf surfaces. The approach is generally more effective on smaller plants (e.g., houseplants), with non-dense foliage and low mite populations. Water sprays should be directed upward against the lower leaf surfaces, and the technique will need to be repeated on regular intervals. |
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It has been suggested that spraying plants with a 1:1 mixture of alcohol and water will kill spider mites on contact. Rubbing alcohol, like any alcohol for any creature, is poisonous in high dosages, and it evaporates quickly doing little damage to the plant it’s been sprayed on. Some people suggest a 1:3 mixture of rubbing alcohol to water, but the strong the mixture, the more certain you are to get as many mites as possible. Make sure to cover the entire plant, focusing on the bottoms of the leaves where spider mites tend to hang out. |