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Lijek protiv raka!
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#16: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: SladoležLokacija: Nekad bio Zemun PošaljiPoslato: Sre Mar 21, 2007 6:41 pm
Cesarice, nisam mogla da smirim posle pročitanog textaOVOG TEXTA na Galaksiji. Dubooooooko verujem da je sve istina! To što su informacije doprle do nas tek skoro ne znači da nisu pouzdane, čak naprotiv...
Drago mi je da si ovo postavila.

#17: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: VeljanovicLokacija: Kragujevac PošaljiPoslato: Sre Mar 21, 2007 8:27 pm
Nisam pristalica gorkih biljaka,niti praznih nedokazanih fraza.
Verujem aromaticnim biljkama i ovoj neutralnoj,lepotici .

\Rhodiola Rosea
(Golden Root, Arctic Root) ,Arktička ruža ili "Kravle Sise" Curtsey

Here Are A Few Comments About Our Rhodiola:

"I really love the Rhodiola. I was at a trade show all weekend in Prince George and was on my feet all day both days. I was just trying out the herb to see how I would like it. I've got to tell you - it was phenomenal. I had tons of energy and was in a terrific mood all day long. Also, my son has been using the kanna and loves it. He's got a "disorder" they've labeled ADD/ODD which is actually far more serious than just the ADD by itself. The ODD is Oppositional Defiant Disorder which can make him really dark and ugly when it rears its head. He's learning to deal with it anyway, but the kanna is a really nice addition. He's usually pretty rebellious and disinterested in anything herbal, but I left the information about it on the table and he apparently read it and decided to try it for himself."

"I really
like Rosea over everything I tried so far....."

"I am having trouble sleeping..."
"I also was on pharmaceuticals. Ativan and related downers for fifteen years. It got to the point where I was taking 4 mg and it was not working. When I told my doctor, she gave me a prescription for xprexa..."(this was a long story so I edited it - Ken) I suggested taking rhodiola for sleeping, and here is her reply:
"Yikes, the BEST and most different sleep I have ever had. I took the Valerian tincture and some "sleep" herbal tea, but it really did not make me sleep. I was sleepy, but was still looking at the Alarm clock. After one hour I took two Rhodiola capsules and I was asleep in less than 30 minutes, as you said I would. I woke up this morning so relaxed and unstressed, that I never felt like this before. I was not feeling drugged or sleepy. I had lots of energy and I was in a great mood. My daughter noticed that with all the rushing and regular school-morning fiasco, I was cool, calm, and even making jokes about it all. So, Ken, Your advice about the Rhodiola is certainly life-changing. I cannot wait to try the Maca and Kava Kava."

"I've been having trouble sleeping for the past two years.
The rhodiola rosea is working stupendously well for me. Nothing else I've tried that is natural has been able to put me to sleep until now. It got so bad that I even tried antidepressants but they nearly killed me so I went off all pharmaceuticals and just struggled along getting to sleep well after midnight most nights. If it weren't for maca I would not have made it through my workdays. The gelatinized maca is awesome stuff and really keeps you going long after you'd normally quit. But now I've found that if I take 2-3 of the Rhodiola capsules at bedtime I fall asleep very nicely, and it also calms me and makes me feel more relaxed. It's powerful stuff so I don't take a lot of it. All of Ken's products seem to have way more potency than any other brands I've tried."

"we are loving the Rhodiola... three of those caps...does us smooothe... Always want to have these around. I may start selling them.."

"The Rhodiola of yours I recently tried is the best I've had!"

"My wife and I moved to Miami Beach a few years ago, it is a city that never sleeps, the streets are often as busy at 4 am as they are at 4 pm, and because of the energy here, the street noise, car alarms, and the light pollution into our bedroom, we hadn’t been able to sleep deeply and restfully in three years. Three years is a long time to go without restful sleep, we felt like it was aging us prematurely… The first night I took the Rhodiola I lay down in bed, closed my eyes, and opened them, and it was morning... It was as if no time had passed, and yet 8 or 9 hours had gone by. I came out of such a deep sleep, for a moment, I didn’t even know who the woman next to me in bed was (it was my wife), and I felt so rested, so rejuvenated… it connected me with a feeling I had completely forgotten about, a feeling of restedness and calm I hadn’t known since my childhood. Since we started taking Rhodiola, we sleep better and more deeply all the time now, even when we don’t take it. It seems to have retrained out systems. When I do take it, I find it shuts off that part of my brain associated with memory, so during the night I’m not relating to my life, the prior day’s activities, stress, etc… I’m liberated while I’m asleep, and when I first awake, sometimes there’s a brief moment of amnesia as I come out of a deep sleep, where I don’t even know what day it is, and that is so nice, to feel that freedom of not being tied to the daily grind, and then I remember what day it is, but the emotional cords are still cut, and the calm and the relaxation associated with that mental freedom remains with me throughout the day, into the night, and into the next day…. It’s literally changed the way I experience the world, because it’s shown me a new way of being, and I’ve learned to integrate that… And if I feel like I had a frenetic day, and might not sleep deeply at night, I simply have to take a couple Rhodiola and lay down to complete rest… I am so grateful, no wonder it is good for the immune system, I feel as though it’s made me immune to the stress of daily life. Thanks again…"

"Ken does it again. I came across your Rhodolia caps on my very over-stuffed supplement shelves. I took 2 in the morning and -POW, I was buzzing, energized and stress-free the whole day and night. It completely overrode my fatique and ennui from allergies and sinuses. I felt it took about 10 years off my subjective age."

"I forgot how great rhodolia can be. In fact, I almost worry how long it will still be legal! I've tried many, many other kinds of Rhodolia, but Ken's is tops, like all his stuff."

"Wow, I've tried several other rhodiola products, and your rhodiola sweeps them all under the table. It's supremely calming yet gives me energy for whatever I have to tackle on any particular day. I couldn't wait to come home and order some more of your stuff to try. How do you find such high quality herbage when there's so much mediocre/crappy stuff out there?! Thanks!"

"I received the Rhodiola and it is working great! The first day I took three as recommended, but it seemed to be too much, so I lessoned it to 2 per day and that seems to be a better dosage for me. Perhaps I just need to build up to the three per day? At any rate, it is giving me a ton of energy and a nice calm at the same time. Really strange how it works, but it does!! I can't tell you how happy I am that I found your site!! All your stuff is great!"

What Does Rhodiola Do?

Rhodiola, Commonly known as Arctic Root or Golden Root, is almost unknown in the United States. In Siberia the location of Arctic Root plants are a closely held secret among families who live there. The emperor of China used to organize expeditions to Siberia to bring back this highly valued plant. Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb along the lines of more famous cousins such as ginseng, ashwaganda, suma, etc.

Rhodiola, however, is more powerful and may be the best adaptogenic herb available. Research by Russians began in 1931 when it was found to increase sexual potency. In a test of 35 subjects with weak erections and/or premature ejaculations, 50 mg per day was found to provide substantial improvement in 26 of the 35. The levels of 17-ketosteroids in seminal fluid showed an increase in the production of sex hormones.

Women had much the same result. 40 women with secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) were given 100 to 150 mg per day of Rhodiola and 25 resumed their periods and 11 became pregnant.

Research has shown that whether or not this is true, many remarkable therapeutic benefits accrue from ingesting this herb Among these are:

Adaptogen. Increases body's ability to handle stresses of all kinds. Partly, this is because it "tones down" the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and increases the relaxing parasympathetic system. Subjects given Rhodiola show increased levels of beta-endorphin in the brain. Beta-endorphin is the stress relieving, feel-good, analgesic peptide.

Antidepressant. All test subjects showed a positive therapeutic effect from 100 mg of Rhodiola per day. It is thought to work by making serotonin's precursors, tryptophan and 5-HTP, more available to the brain and by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is destroyed by catechol-O-methyltransferase or COMT. Rhodiola antagonizes COMT. Rosavin can decrease COMT activity by 60% and raise serotonin levels by 30%! A study of 128 individuals of all ages with various forms of depression showed that 65% had a complete disappearance of their depression. Rhodiola has been used with a variety of prescription antidepressants with no apparent problems.

Prevents emotional stress. Asthenia, an emotional stress condition, is a condition characterized by sluggishness, low motivation, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, labored breathing, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations and excessive sleeping. 100 to 150 mg of Rhodiola daily reversed this.

Improves endurance levels. Excellent for athletes. A study of 52 individuals of all ages showed a 12% increase in the duration of physical performance. When initially fatigued and asked to perform the test, it increased to 28%! Rhodiola increases muscular ATP and creatine levels.

Shortens recovery after strenuous and prolonged exercise. 30 minutes after a 12 mile long biathlon, control subjects still had a pulse rate of 129% above baseline (pre-exercise.) Rhodiola subjects had a pulse rate only 105% of baseline.

Improves physical performance. In the biathlon subjects had to ski 12 miles while periodically shooting at targets. Not only did they complete the course faster, they hit far more targets. In a study of 112 subjects, 89% of those taking Rhodiola showed a much more rapid improvement in performance in various sports. Furthermore, 69% demonstrated much faster adaptation to climatic and social changes while 86% had an improved appetite. Helps maintain energy levels. Improves indicators of protein metabolism. Valuable for body builders. Researchers considered Rhodiola the equivalent of anabolic steroids without the side-effects. Muscle protein and glutamic acid (from L-Glutamine) are enhanced by Rhodiola. It also increases hemoglobin and red blood cell levels while favorable changing the muscle to fat ratio of the body.

Increases attention span, memory and mental performance. In a proofreading test, those taking Rhodiola decreased the number of mistakes by 88% while the control group increased theirs by 84%!

A similar test was conducted with 128 students who were also tested for the effects of fatigue on mental performance over time. After an hour, the placebo group had a 13% increase in errors; after four hours this increased to 37%; after six hours it became 88%; and after eight hours it went up to 180%! Those taking Rhodiola had a 56% decrease in errors for four hours. After that it crept up but still stayed well below the controls.

Increases strength and mobility.

Prevents the development of hypoglycemia. Valuable for diabetics. In animal experiments Rhodiola increased blood insulin and decreased glucagon. Rhodiola resulted in a 50 to 80% increase in liver glycogen where excess sugar is stored.

Increases blood supply to the brain and muscles.

Optimizes serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitter levels in the brain.

Helps remove ammonia from the body.

Helps maintain high levels of creatine phosphate in the cellular mitochondria.

Activates lipase in long distance runners and swimmers.

Protects against heart attacks. Stress causes adrenalin release which over time can "burn" the heart. Overly contracted heart muscle fibers show "contraction bands" a sign of heart muscle damage found in 86% of heart attack victims.

Rhodiola decreases the amount of adrenalin and cortisol released during stress and protects the heart against "adrenalin burn." Rhodiola also lowers serum fats and cholesterol while increasing the resistance of blood vessels to cholesterol plaques. If that weren't enough it also protects against arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats) by potentiating endorphins (natural opiates that regulate heart beat.)

Immune stimulation. Rhodiola increases immune response while blocking the immune lowering effects of cortisol. In one animal experiment, natural killer cell activity increased with Rhodiola.

Combats cancer. A study in rats showed that Rhodiola decreased tumor growth by 39% and inhibited metastases by 50%.

Fat loss. In a placebo controlled study of Rhodiola’s ability to mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue, 121 subjects were given either Rhodiola extract or a placebo and their serum lipid levels were tested at rest and after one hour of exercise. The Rhodiola group had 6% greater serum fatty acid levels than the placebo group at rest and 44% greater levels after one hour of exercise. This difference is presumably due to Rhodiola’s ability to activate adipose lipase, a key enzyme required to burn the body’s fat stores.

Similarly, a clinical study at the Georgian State Hospital (in the former Soviet Union) treated 130 overweight patients for 90 days. At the conclusion it was found that among those who consumed Rhodiola rosea extract, 92% lost an average of 20 pounds while the placebo group lost only 8 pounds on the same diet.

Rhodiola is recommended for anyone suffering from depression or anxiety, anyone requiring more mental alertness, athletes and body builders, anyone prone to develop Alzheimer's disease or who has memory problems, immune deficient or cancer patients, anyone with heart disease, those suffering from obesity, and anyone wishing to increase their sexual stamina. It is especially recommended for anyone whose life is stressful.

Poslednji izmenio Veljanovic dana Čet Mar 29, 2007 12:27 pm, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

#18: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: SladoležLokacija: Nekad bio Zemun PošaljiPoslato: Sre Mar 21, 2007 9:49 pm
Veljanovic citat:
...Combats cancer. A study in rats showed that Rhodiola decreased tumor growth by 39% and inhibited metastases by 50%. ...

Ne znam....

Izvini Veljanovic, ja dosad nisam čula za ovu biljku (što nikako ne znači da nije savršena), a o B17 sam puno čitala.
Dosta bi značilo da prevedeš tekst gde je o raku reč (za ovu temu). Tako ćeš i nas naučiti.
Ubedljiviji je naš jezik kad treba da se razvije diskusija.

#19: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: VeljanovicLokacija: Kragujevac PošaljiPoslato: Čet Mar 22, 2007 9:30 am
Imamo dve teme o ovoj biljci na forumu.
Jedna je”kravlje sise”, A druga, Arkticka Ruza ili Rhodiola Rosea.
Na jesen cela se biljka oreze,isecka I osusi,ako treba u otvorenoj rerni na 50 stepeni.Ne mrzne,a veoma lepo uspeva kao bastenska dekorativna biljka. Kuva se caj.Citala sam na drugomforumu o njoj , da je i za podmladjivanje.Tekst je malo preveliki da bih ga prevela, iziskuje vreme,koje ja pored moja 3 unuka nemam,ali ko razume veoma je lepo. Ova biljka ne nadrazuje zeludac, ne luti, nije gorka i ne stvara kiseline.

Poslednji izmenio Veljanovic dana Čet Mar 29, 2007 12:29 pm, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

#20: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: cesaricaLokacija: Banja Luka PošaljiPoslato: Čet Mar 22, 2007 9:00 pm
Lijepo sto ste se svi javili na ovu temu. Ja se isto nisam mogla oteti utisku kad sam pocitala sve te podatke o B17. Eto cisto nek se zna... pa zlu ne trebalo.

#21: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: SabrinaLokacija: Svilajnac PošaljiPoslato: Čet Apr 19, 2007 9:03 am
Kao klinka u dvoristu sam imala tri ogromna drveta kajsije i zamislite ko je sve "morao" da pojede sasusene kostice... Mr. Green Da su otrovne i ja i sestra bismo odavno vec bile U nesvest

#22: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: GabyLokacija: Zagreb PošaljiPoslato: Čet Apr 19, 2007 9:23 am
Potaknuta ovim tekstovima na SB, kad se pojavila ova tema na sajtu kontaktirala sam jednog uglednog stručnjaka koji se bavi upravo ovom tematikom (otkrivanje lijeka protiv raka) i evo dijela odgovora iz njegovog mail-a:

"...ocigledno je da nedostaju brojne studije pretklinicke i klinicke o djelovanje B17 u patogenezi i lijecenju raznih tumorskih bolesti.

U nacelu se slazem da su poremecaji metabolizma vrlo bitni u malignoj
promjeni stanica ali mi se cini da B17 nije glavni okidac koji moze
povratiti bolesnu stanicu u normalni endogeni obrambeni sustav ili
ubiti transformirane stanice. Vrlo cesto promjena prehrane i razne
dijatetske kure pomazu oboljelima od tumroa zbog brojnih ucinaka na
imunoloski, metabolicki i molekularni status stanica u organizmu."

Mislim da njegova izjava ide dosta u prilog kompletnoj promjeni ishrane (radikalna dijete uz nadzor liječnika). Nigdje ne negira učinkovitost B17, ali očito da još ne postoje adekvatni rezultati da bi se potvrila učinkovitost B17. Čitala sam kompletan tekst sa preporučenog sajta. Istina jeste da se u faramceutici okreće veliki profit, ali osobno smatram da ne postoji zavjera, barem ne u onom obliku kako je opisano u onom tekstu.

Ovo je moje mišljenje, naravno da je svaka informacija dragocjena u borbi protiv bilo kakve bolesti. Dakle, ja bih bila malo oprezna kod ovoga.

#23: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: makijavetaLokacija: Beograd PošaljiPoslato: Čet Apr 19, 2007 1:12 pm
Odlicna knjiga: "Tumori (lecenje i profilaksa narodnim sredstvima)"- Genadij Petrovich Malahov Very Happy
Moze se naci u Beogradu i na Platou, ali je bolje potraziti je direktno kod izdavaca (Biblioteka Osnovi zdravlja), jer je i za par stotina dinara jeftinija...

#24: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: SabrinaLokacija: Svilajnac PošaljiPoslato: Čet Apr 19, 2007 5:12 pm
Taj vitamin B17 povezujem sa tim da od svih domacih zivotinja kojima se covek hrani samo koza nije podlozna kancerogenim bolestima, moguce iz tog razloga jer je poznato da ona jede "sve i svasta" od biljaka u kojima se jos uvek nalazi taj vitamin dok se ostale domace zivotinje uglavnom hrane modifikovanom hranom. Kozije mleko podize imunitet i cesto se koristi i kod obolelih od kancera.

#25: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: brbr PošaljiPoslato: Sub Maj 19, 2007 3:03 pm
Evo misljenja jednog makrobiotickog strucnjaka,
preneto sa: www.makrokutak.net

Dr. Otto Warburg je jos pre
vise od 75 godina (tacnije 1931) rekao da
se organizam razboljeva bas zbog
kiselosti krvi (celije raka veoma dobro
podnose kiselost (pH manje od 7)

Dr. Otto Warburg je dobio cak Nobelovu
nagradu za taj naucni rad posto je jos tada
vema lepo reklao da se tacno zna od cega
celije raka umiru a to je ako se smanji
kiselost krvi, stvore se losi uslovi za hranjenje
celije koja ce zbog toga izgubiti kiseonik i
glukozu na kojoj osnovi se ona odrzava
nakon cega ona gubi energiju i izvrsava
takozvano - samounistenje.

Tako da je vec davno poznato da seceri
uticu na stvaranje i odrzavanje kanceroznih
celija (bez obzira o kojem raku govorimo)

Naravno da kazemo da ako je zdrava osoba
u pitanju normalne kolicine secera nisu veliki
problem. Zaista je tesko reci koliki je normalna
kolicina secera dnevno posto secera ima
u svim picima (gaziranim) u svoj hrani
(recimo cak i ketchup ima jako puno secera)
da ne govorim da sve testenine, hleb, peciva
i ostalo putem ugljenih hidrata nase telo pretvara
u secere koji opet cine krv kiselom.

No ako je organizam zdrav (znaci jetra nije
preopterecena) jedan dobar balans kiselosti i
alkalnosti postoji u organizmu... ono se krece
izmedju pH 6.5 - 7.5 Ako je veci ili manji organizma
nam daje to do znanja i to;

Ako imate vise kiselosti u krvi telo ce osecati
konstantnu malaksalost, osecanje hladnoce,
naklonost infekcijama, cesto znake malokrvnosti
kao sto je bled ten, osecnaje gorusice, kosa i noki
pucaju na ivicama, suva koza i sl.
(Makrobioticki konsultant to odmah prineti
na prvi pogled jer su znaci kiselosti tela veoma
Ako je alkalnost krvi prevelika (to se dogadja ako
recimo bubreg ima problem - posto bubreg i pluca
regulisu alkalnost organizma) ili neki lekovi
prouzrokuju debalans tada telo cesto pokazuje
znake zbunjenosti, drhtanje misica, mucninu,
nelagodnost u stomaku i glavi. Alkalnost je malo teze
uociti na prvi pogled ali se ubrzo moze saznati iz
razgovora sa pacijentom.

Najbolje je imati latmus papirice (Litmus pH Test paper)
sa kojim se lako izmeri stanje pljuvacke koja moze
tacno pokazati stanje organizma. Ako je pljuvacka
izmedju 6.5-7.5 pH onda smo u granicama normale
ali ako je ispod (sto obicno jeste slucaj) onda se
pribegava vise alkalnoj hrani da bi se doveo balans
u red.

Kad smo svesni svega ovog onda nam postaje
jasno da jesti preterano slatkog i nije preporucivo
jer nikad ne znamo kako ce se kancerozne celije
ponasati. Mi u nasem organizmu svak idan pravi
na hiljade kanceroznih celija ali ih nas odbrambeni
sistem (imuni sistem) unisti i izbaci iz tela.

Naucnici su jos davno dokazali da oko 70-100gr
secera cini da nas organizam posle dvadesetak minuta
udje u jedno stanje kada mu imunoloski sistem
padne sa 50%-60% i to traje cak 4-5 sati...
Sto znaci da kad pojedemo slatkisa u kojem ima
100gr secera mi mso izlozeni raznim napastima
koji nas imuni sistem nemoze otkolniti jer se
jetra, slezina i pankreas bore sa secerom u krvi
umesto da sredjuju viruse, bakterije, kancerozne celije
i sl.
Zato kada ste bolesni, bilo imali kijavicu ili neku vrstu
zapaljenja i uzimate antibiotike ucinite si nesto dobro
to samo slabi imuni sistem.

E sad... sta da radimo... dali da jedemo secer ili ne?

Moj savet je sledeci.. ako mozete nemojte jesti
puno slatkog. Povremeno (kada se osecamo zdravi
a ne kad osecamo da nam predstoji kijavica nazeb)
mozemo jesti nesto slatko kao recimo organsko
kuvani pekmez od recimo sljiva, kajsija ili sl. (moze
biti i od kupina, malina i sl. sa suvim groznjem
umesto secera. Mozemo jesti umereno sve sto nam se
dopada ali da smo svesni da secer nije zdrav i da ga se
treba sto manje konzumirati.
Sto bi rekli, da budemo svesni psoledica - pa vi onda

Odluka je na vama...


PS... sve ovo vazi za zdrave osobe...
Kad govorimo o bolesnicima, bilo koji kancer da je u pitanju
sve vrste slatkog i seceri su ZABRANJENI... [/url]

#26: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: TazikaLokacija: zaselak 25 km južno od Zagreba PošaljiPoslato: Pon Maj 28, 2007 6:34 am
I ja mislim da smo svi mi, a naročito bolesnici, žrtve farmaceuta (-ske mafije, ako hoćete). Farmacija, po količini novca koji obrće, stoji uz bok oružju i drogi, a što se tiče broja žrtava - neznam, tek u novije vrijeme se rade statistike o broju žrtava farmacije, tj. broju ljudi koji su umrli od pogrešnog liječenja ili prejakih nuspojava "dobrog" lijeka.
HODAMO PO LJEKOVITIM BILJKAMA, za svaku bolest ima biljka pokraj nas, koja uz to nema nuspojava, a mnogi obole od npr. andola, da ne spominjem što žešće što svi imamo u ladici ili kutiji od cipela.
Evo vam moga primjera: od moje 16. do 44. godine patim od prejakog krvarenja (mjesečnice). Obišla sam desetke doktora, raznih specijalista, gutala tablete željeza (uz prejake nuspojave, zato bila na par kura injekcija) da nadoknadim izgubljenu krv, zatim stediril da spriječim prejako krvarenje (uz gomilu neugodnih nuspojava), završila na hitnoj, u bolnici, na infuzijama... potrošila sam toliko radnih sati doktorima, toliko recepata, novaca... da skratim: prošlu jesen čujem da ČAJ OD STOLISNIKA smanjuje krvarenje. Iščupam uz put par biljaka, na 1. dan krvarenja skuham litru čaja od cijele nasjeckane biljke-fin je, tako i drugi dan. Uzmem bolovanje (kao i inače), legnem, čekam-a krvarim onak, skroz normalno. Dignem se, radim-sve ok.
Ljudi moji, kad me uhvatio bijes!!! Danima sam psovala doktore i farmaceutsku mafiju! Pa nije moguće da svi ti uvaženi specijalisti neznaju da za moju boljku rastu biljke po svim livadama, uz sve puteve?! Recite mi, HA?!
Sad imam stolisnika i osušenog i po svim livadama, i čaj pijem za vrijeme mjesečnice, inače ne. Dodala sam u njega i list koprive žare. I savjetujem to svakoj ženi s mojim problemom.

Što se tiče RAKA: on je svakako poremećaj kemije tijela. VITAMIN B 17 sigurno pomaže; moja susjeda je rak dojke držala pod kontrolom 6 godina, dok je iz USA dobivala preparat sa B17. Kada joj je veza pukla, opet je dobila metastaze. B17 i nije "vitamin" u pravom smislu riječi, nego je sastojak hrane koji smo izgubili u zadnjih pola stoljeća, otkad jedemo samo kruh od oljuštenih zrna pšenice, usto od 1945. se uzgaja samo hibridna trozrna, a milenijima smo jeli "staru pšenicu", jednozrnu i dvozrnu. I riža nam je ispolirana i glazirana, i voće, i sve postaje ispolirano, sterilizirano, konzervirano i vakumirano, samo što mi nismo ispolirani i vakumirani, nama treba ona hrana koju nam je Bog stvorio.

Ljudi, čuvajte se GM-a!!!!!!!!!
...i jedite čim više hrane koja raste iz zemlje ili je trčala po njoj, a što manje hrane koju nalazite u kutijama, bocama i konzervama po policama hipermarketa-tamo života nema.

#27: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: dejanackoLokacija: Prilep PošaljiPoslato: Sub Mar 21, 2009 7:25 pm
Morao sam da napisem ovo: mnogo od lekovitih biljka, deluje antikancerogeno. Pr. rusa trava(chelidonium majus),epilobium angustifolium, neven, hajducka trava, isto i podubica. Ali i zdrave osobe treba da konzumiraju cajeve koje ciste krv, a to su sledeci: cicak, kopriva, bokvica, ananas, i dr.

#28: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: TazikaLokacija: zaselak 25 km južno od Zagreba PošaljiPoslato: Ned Mar 22, 2009 10:40 am
Evo mene opet: moja susjeda (kojoj je jedna dojka odstranjena, za drugu su rekli - umrijećete za 3 mjeseca, a to je bilo pred 7 godina) - je odlično, učinila je ove 2 stvari:
1. prestala se živcirati i brinuti oko svega, raduje se svakom danu
2. prehrana puna B 17 "vitamina" - kruh od cjelovitog brašna, domaći džemovi, povrće... Žena je bolje nego ikad, jednostavno blista!!!

U međuvremenu smo (mi: tu u zagrebu, Hrv. i okolici) došli i do lijeka za rak (kako koji; ne pomaže kod raka kostiju i još nekih) koji se zove MMS - natrijev klorit. Naravno da ga farmaceuti pljuju, da država ne daje dozvole za distribuciju, ali srećom još nije zabranjen, pa kome treba - otiđite na Forum.hr i upišite u tražilicu MMS, biti će pod "Alternativno liječenje" ili tako nekako, pitajte korisnike Alan-SP i Tornado za sve, ali prvo pročitajte temu MMS, vruća je već dugo. Ja sam i tamo potvrdila da je moj muž, koji je patio od "neizlječivog" (kažu doktori) reumatoidnog artritisa još od mladosti, izliječio ga MMS-om u točno 5 (pet) dana i nije mu se više vratio! Ne poznajem lično nikog tko se izliječio od raka, jer Susjedi sa njenim B17, tj. prirodnom prehranom, više nikakav novi lijek - ne treba!!!

#29: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: miska PošaljiPoslato: Pet Mar 26, 2010 12:10 pm
Znam coveka, koji je bolovao od zlocudnog tumora debelog creva.Tumor se toliko prosirio da su mu lekari rekli da nema pomoci.
I sta ce, jedino mu je bilo preostalo da pokusa sam sebi da pomogne.
Poceo je da cita o lekovitom bilju i zdravoj ishrani.
Pronasao je da je KOPRIVA, kao cistac krvi, nezamenljiva za njegovo stanje.
Pio je u ogromnim kolicinama caj od koprive (lista i korena), koprivu je brao,pa je od nje pravio corbice, variva,sokove, pite, pio je kapi koprive...
Posvetio se zdravoj ishrani.
Kada je otisao kod lekara ,posle izvesnog vremena, nisu mogli da veruju da tumora vise nema!!!
I danas, posle 20tak godina, taj covek je zdrav, vitalan.Ima oko 75 godina.
Svaki dan seta, izbacio je iz ishrane masnoce, gazirana pica, alkohol...
Takodje, ovde zelim da dodam da se biljka PRELA koristi kod kancerogenih oboljenja grudi.Pravi se caj od ove biljke, koji se mora piti u velikim kolicinama (ukoliko je tumor ustanovljen).Takodje, od sveze biljke se cedi (u sokovniku) sok i pije se .Treba stavljati na grudi i obloge od ove biljke.
Prelu,preslicu je lako naci.Bere se krajem leta i pocetkom jeseni.
Svake jeseni naberem sveze listove ove biljke i potopim u rakiju.Drzim je oko 3 nedelje na suncu,zatim izvadim biljku i rakija je spremna za konzumiranje.

#30: Re: Lijek protiv raka! Autor: miska PošaljiPoslato: Pet Mar 26, 2010 12:38 pm
Efikasna u borbi protiv kancera je i ZELENA MAGMA (dobijena iz mladog lisca jecma), koja se moze nabaviti u svakoj bolje snabdevenoj prodavnici zdrave hrane.

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