LidijaM citat: |
Hvala Bilbo! Ovo mi je prva zima sa rododendronima, pa pojma nemam ![]() |
Mary Jo citat: |
Kod vecih minusa sasvim je prirodno da se listovi rododendrona malo "obese". Kako nas ocekuje period ledenih dana preporucila bih onima ciji su rododendroni zasadjeni u basti da preko biljke naprave malu konstrukciju od letvica ili neke savitljive deblje zice i preko nataknu najlon dzak ili plasticbu deblju foliju koju ce fiksirati da je vetar ne odnese. Na taj nacin cete zastititi biljku od isuvise niskih temperatura, a opet cete sacuvati vecu vlagu oko same biljke. Ja niposto ne bih zalivala sada dok je zemlja smrznuta. |
Jasbi citat: | ||
Što ne reče to ranije.... ![]() List se još više uvrnuo.. ![]() |
mojra citat: |
super je - boja i lisce mi lice na moj catawbiense grandiflorum ![]() |
Quote:: |
The upper side of a rhododendron leaf is leathery. The bottom side is dappled with tiny air valves that control the flow of air in and out of a leaf. Cold air contains less moisture than warm air. So when low temperatures and high winds arrive, the leaf valves close. By looking out a window on a winter day, one can determine roughly how cold it is by the degree the rhododendron leaves have curled and drooped. When temperatures rise, the leaves open again. The rhododendron makes the same response in summer when temperatures become excessive; only the leaves curl upward to prevent undue moisture loss. |
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