#16: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: Cici, Lokacija: BabusnicaPoslato: Sub Feb 06, 2010 12:16 pm ---- Ove male biljke kod mene definitivno nisu Gunere. Ove shto su ostale napolju su totalno izmrzle a ni one koje sam unela nisu nishta bolje.
Ove moje biljcice imaju vec odrvenelo stabalce i po 4-5 kozastih oblih listica. Nemaju nikakve dlacice skroz su glatke.
Evo i slike malih gunera sa neta.
#17: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: Koreana, Lokacija: BezdanPoslato: Pet Apr 29, 2011 10:18 pm ---- Jaoooo što mi se sviđa, kako da nabavim ovu biljku?
Ovde nema ni semena ni rasade, potražiću u NS mada čisto sumnjam...
#18: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: daninoc, Lokacija: KikindaPoslato: Pet Apr 29, 2011 11:46 pm ---- Meni se ova biljka jako svidja, ali sam odustao od nje kad sam se malo vise raspitao. Ne mogu da joj pruzim trenutno ono sto zahteva.
Coreana, ne znam da li znas, ovo ti je mocvarna biljka. Najidealnije je da imas jezero i da se ono delimicno preliva i pravi bukvalno mocvaru.
Zimi mora da se zastiti dobro, dzakovima.
Njoj prija nesto sto Englezi zovu ~Bog Garden~ (moze u saksiji, a moze i u dvoristu). Ukopaju foliju za jezero i minimalno je izbuse tek tolko da se voda zadrzava, a da ipak istice. Preko toga ide zemlja.
A ako imas neki deo baste koji ima bas losu drenazu, gde se voda zadrzava ili mozda podzemne vode to je idealno mesto za Guneru.
Evo ovde ima nesto vise>
Making a bog garden
Bog gardens can be made around the edge of a pond, or used as a feature in their own right.
Making a stand-alone bog garden
Mark out the chosen area with sand or string
Given that you will need to excavate this area to a depth of 45cm (18in), calculate approximately the volume of soil you will need to shift (length x width x depth). If this seems excessive, consider reducing the size of the area
Excavate the chosen area to 45cm (18in) and put the soil aside
Line the hole with polythene sheeting or butyl pond liner at least 0.5mm thick. Place bricks or stones on the edge to stop it shifting as you walk on it
Pierce the liner at 1m (3¼ft) intervals with a garden fork
Lay a length of leaky hosepipe or porous pipe in the bottom, and seal the far end. The other end needs to come up and out of the bog garden so that it can be used to apply water for irrigation
Cover the bottom and the leaky hose with a 2.5-5cm (1-2in) layer of coarse grit or gravel to prevent soil blocking the holes in the pipe
Replace the excavated soil, removing any weeds and large stones in the process. If the soil is low in organic matter, incorporate compost, leaf mould or well-rotted manure
The soil level will now be higher than the originally, but it will settle in time. Only flatten the soil lightly, as heavy compaction will result in poor growing conditions. Continue to weed the soil as it settles further
Once the soil has settled back to its natural level, the bog garden is ready for planting. For advice on choosing bog garden plants, see the links below
Making a bog area on the edge of a new pond
Mark out and excavate the total area of the pond and bog garden, leaving a ridge of soil between the pond and bog garden areas that is 7.5cm (3in) lower than the edge of the pond
Line the pond first, and then the bog garden, with sand and geotextile
Place a waterproof butyl liner over the whole pond and bog garden area, weighing down the edges to stop them moving greatly
Fill up the pond to just below the level of the ridge between the pond and bog garden areas
Put a 5cm (2in) layer of coarse grit or gravel in the bog garden area, for drainage, and partially fill it up with soil
Build a barrier of rocks or stones between the pond and bog garden, along the interconnecting ridge
Place a layer of fine plastic mesh along the back of the stone wall, on the bog garden side
Finish filling the bog garden with soil, until it is level with the surrounding soil
Add more water to the pond. Water will seep through the mesh and rock wall into the bog garden
Disguise the edges of the liner with stones and pebbles, creating a beach effect at the edges of the pond and bog garden
Allow the soil to settle for a few days and then plant up the bog garden
#19: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: khodalic, Lokacija: Croatia(Podravina)Poslato: Sub Apr 30, 2011 10:04 am ---- Treba je zaštititi preko zime, ako je vani zasađena s dubokim malčem! Meni je bila u tegli pored vrtnog ribnjaka, al mi se smrzla, jelje nisam dovoljno zastitio. Ponovo sam je nabavio , al sam je prekozime drzao u podrumu, te je uspješno prezimila. Listovi odumru, alkruna ostaje živa, te se kad zatopli iz nje pocinju formirati novi listovi!
#20: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: Koreana, Lokacija: BezdanPoslato: Sub Apr 30, 2011 1:29 pm ---- Daninoc odustajem
Ali mi se opet mnoooooogo sviđa
#21: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: arch505, Lokacija: Brus/Novi SadPoslato: Sub Avg 20, 2011 12:19 am ---- Verovatno je ovaj post za "prepoznavanje biljaka" ali mislim da sam negde procitao da je zovu "domaca gunnera", kod nas je odomaceno ime "repuh" ili "repushina".....pa molim ptvrdu....slikana je u prirodi i prilicno je gigantska....a za ove rupice su najverovatnije zasluzni skakavci...
#22: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: Mary Jo, Lokacija: BeogradPoslato: Sub Avg 20, 2011 12:46 am ---- Jeste Aeh, to je repusina/repuh (Petasites officinalis). Ja je imam u basti zasadjena oko cesme i zovem je "domaca gunera". List joj nije tako sjajan niti moze da dostigne velicinu gunere ali je za nase uslove sjajna zamena. Treba samo da se vodi racuna zbog sirenja. Rizomi puze na sve strane i mlade biljke samo izbijaju iz travnjaka. Srecom, mekana je biljka pa se caskom pokosi
#23: Re: Gunnera manicata Autor: arch505, Lokacija: Brus/Novi SadPoslato: Sub Avg 20, 2011 3:18 pm ---- Tako je!!! Kod Vas sam je i video u "pripitomljenom obliku" ....Divna je... Posto vidim da je i lekovita biljka, naravno pored estetske vrednosti, onda zasluzuje da dobije i svoju temu u "lekovitim biljkama" za koji minut... a i ove poruke i slike bi mogle biti premestene tamo