Sparta: Seme Dzinovske Jagode 19-Nov-2024 12:27:28 kiklop99: leopard je ljuta paprika a ne paradajz 19-Nov-2024 00:43:10 Sparta: leopard 01-Oct-2024 12:17:31 kiklop99: Pozdrav svima, nov ovde, zna li neko ima li ranih sorti Cherry paradajza i kako se zovu 30-Aug-2024 20:24:59 drveni: Pozdrav. Uzgoj maka je dozvoljen u Srbiji s tim da se setva na većim parcelama mora prijaviti. Kada se govori o uzgoju maka misli se na uzgoj u cilju dobijanja semena. Zasecanje nedozrelih čaura i sakupljanje lateksa je krivično delo. 27-May-2024 05:49:25 daff: recite molim vas, da li je u srbiji zabranjeno gajenje maka (Papaver Somniferum)? 18-May-2024 14:42:23 dr.strik: Pozdrav.Kade moze da najadam meckino grozje bilka -uva -ursi (uvin caj).Dali nekoj prodava ili ima za prodavanje 16-May-2024 19:25:00 hoppla: Pozdrav 30-Apr-2024 12:37:55
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Forums › BAŠTENSKE BILJKE › Perene › Kala - Calla zantedeschia
Kala - Calla zantedeschia
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thinkyZaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2007 Poruke: 195
Zaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2007
Poruke: 195
Poslato: Pon Jun 29, 2009 10:39 am Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
!Mikica! citat: |
Ljudi, prelepe su vam kale. Sta im to radite da su takve? |
Moje kale u zimovalištu ne dobiju ni kap vode. Totalno se zemlja
osuši. Prvo zaljevanje na proleće kada se one probude i niknu
iz zemlje. Preko ljeta, kao druge biljke, dobiju malo djubriva.
Stoje na sunčanom mjestu.
I to je to.
Bude 7 žutih cvetova.
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Google Ads |
Pridružio se: Jun 19, 2009 Poruke: 93 Lokacija: Bitola,Macedonia
Pridružio se: Jun 19, 2009
Poruke: 93
Lokacija: Bitola,Macedonia
Poslato: Pon Jun 29, 2009 3:36 pm Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
Ma to isto sam i ja uradela. Krtole su bile u saksiji, i mirovale cele zime. Sada listovi otisli u visinu i od tri krompirica ima nekoliko lista. A kupila sam ih pre tri godine.
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ladybeeČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008 Poruke: 1665 Lokacija: Sarajevo
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008
Poruke: 1665
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Poslato: Pon Jun 29, 2009 3:40 pm Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
Je li ovo ona formira sjemenke?
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Nazad na vrh
ladybeeČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008 Poruke: 1665 Lokacija: Sarajevo
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008
Poruke: 1665
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Poslato: Čet Jul 02, 2009 8:27 am Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
Evo i mojih kalica A ovo na slici 809,je li ovo čaura sa sjemenkama?Nisam nikada sakupljala sjemenke od kale.Ima li neko iskustva s tim?
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72.04 KB |
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ghostriderČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Sep 27, 2008 Poruke: 5733 Lokacija: uzice
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Sep 27, 2008
Poruke: 5733
Lokacija: uzice
Poslato: Čet Jul 02, 2009 8:45 am Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
With a little help of Google , sa radoscu te obavestavam da jeste seme . Stajem u red za semenke, volela bih da i to probam
A evo i uputstva za sakupljanje semena
Seeds and growing from seed.
If you want seeds, leave the flower on the plant as long as possible. You can peek inside of the spent bloom and you should see the start of a berry shaped fruit structure. The longer you leave the flower on the plant, the bigger the fruit structure will grow. I always leave mine on until fall, or until the flower stem (petiole) has completely wasted away- at that point you know no further nutrients will make it to the seeds. The berry structure should start out green, and most of them will turn slightly yellow, some do stay green.
You can pull one of the berries off the structure, and roll it and pinch it between your fingers and at least one seed should pop out. Plant the seed in moistened potting mix and just cover it with a very small amount of the potting mix. Keep moist, and you will have baby callas sprouting in no time! If the berries are already shriveled, you can just plant them without taking the seeds out, I've had good success both ways.
I start my baby callas in the winter (although you can start seed whenever you have it) , and then transfer them into the ground in the spring when I plant my other bulbs. They should be slightly bigger than a pea at that point. By the end of the summer you should have a small bulb. It will take about 2 years or longer, depending on your growing conditions to get a bulb to flowering size. NOTE: The offspring may not look
like the parent flower! Poslednja recnica mi je posebno zanimljiva!
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23.91 KB |
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107 puta |
seme spremno za sejanje
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26.56 KB |
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93 puta |
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_________________ "Nije mi svejedno ako sam neshvacen, ali me to narocito i ne potresa. Ljudi me ne mogu napraviti ni boljim ni gorim nego sto jesam, a Bog zna nase misli i nasa dela"
Protojerej P. Lukic
Nazad na vrh
ladybeeČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008 Poruke: 1665 Lokacija: Sarajevo
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008
Poruke: 1665
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Nazad na vrh
ghostriderČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Sep 27, 2008 Poruke: 5733 Lokacija: uzice
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Sep 27, 2008
Poruke: 5733
Lokacija: uzice
Nazad na vrh
ladybeeČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008 Poruke: 1665 Lokacija: Sarajevo
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008
Poruke: 1665
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Nazad na vrh
Pridružio se: Maj 16, 2009 Poruke: 27
Pridružio se: Maj 16, 2009
Poruke: 27
Nazad na vrh
Pridružio se: Maj 28, 2009 Poruke: 23
Pridružio se: Maj 28, 2009
Poruke: 23
Nazad na vrh
teraČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 23, 2009 Poruke: 563 Lokacija: Banovci
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 23, 2009
Poruke: 563
Lokacija: Banovci
Nazad na vrh
ananinaZaslužni član
Pridružio se: Nov 13, 2008 Poruke: 352 Lokacija: Indjija
Zaslužni član
Pridružio se: Nov 13, 2008
Poruke: 352
Lokacija: Indjija
Poslato: Sub Jul 11, 2009 4:54 pm Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
Da li vise puta cvetaju?
Moje su precvetale.
Nazad na vrh
LidijaČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Maj 09, 2006 Poruke: 11341 Lokacija: Beograd
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Maj 09, 2006
Poruke: 11341
Lokacija: Beograd
Poslato: Sub Jul 11, 2009 5:33 pm Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
Pehar, to sa slike nije kaLa, nego kaNa.
A slike ovih sa šarenim cvetovima su na pogrešnom mestu, ovo je tema o baštenskoj kali, onoj čiju sliku je Iain stavio iznad, a o patuljastim kalama se priča ovde
Te vaše su svrstane u sobne biljke
_________________ Nije isto živeti i biti živ!
Nazad na vrh
ladybeeČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008 Poruke: 1665 Lokacija: Sarajevo
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Jan 15, 2008
Poruke: 1665
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Poslato: Sub Avg 29, 2009 1:06 am Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
ghostrider citat: |
With a little help of Google , sa radoscu te obavestavam da jeste seme . Stajem u red za semenke, volela bih da i to probam
A evo i uputstva za sakupljanje semena
Seeds and growing from seed.
If you want seeds, leave the flower on the plant as long as possible. You can peek inside of the spent bloom and you should see the start of a berry shaped fruit structure. The longer you leave the flower on the plant, the bigger the fruit structure will grow. I always leave mine on until fall, or until the flower stem (petiole) has completely wasted away- at that point you know no further nutrients will make it to the seeds. The berry structure should start out green, and most of them will turn slightly yellow, some do stay green.
You can pull one of the berries off the structure, and roll it and pinch it between your fingers and at least one seed should pop out. Plant the seed in moistened potting mix and just cover it with a very small amount of the potting mix. Keep moist, and you will have baby callas sprouting in no time! If the berries are already shriveled, you can just plant them without taking the seeds out, I've had good success both ways.
I start my baby callas in the winter (although you can start seed whenever you have it) , and then transfer them into the ground in the spring when I plant my other bulbs. They should be slightly bigger than a pea at that point. By the end of the summer you should have a small bulb. It will take about 2 years or longer, depending on your growing conditions to get a bulb to flowering size. NOTE: The offspring may not look
like the parent flower! Poslednja recnica mi je posebno zanimljiva! |
Ghost,šalji adresu sjemenke su spremne za transport. Ove su od one bijele kale.
Veličina fajla: |
102.8 KB |
Pregleda: |
128 puta |
Nazad na vrh
ghostriderČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Sep 27, 2008 Poruke: 5733 Lokacija: uzice
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Sep 27, 2008
Poruke: 5733
Lokacija: uzice
Poslato: Ned Avg 30, 2009 1:41 am Naslov: Re: KALA-Zantedeschia
_________________ "Nije mi svejedno ako sam neshvacen, ali me to narocito i ne potresa. Ljudi me ne mogu napraviti ni boljim ni gorim nego sto jesam, a Bog zna nase misli i nasa dela"
Protojerej P. Lukic
Nazad na vrh
› Perene
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