Sparta: leopard 01-Oct-2024 12:17:31 kiklop99: Pozdrav svima, nov ovde, zna li neko ima li ranih sorti Cherry paradajza i kako se zovu 30-Aug-2024 20:24:59 drveni: Pozdrav. Uzgoj maka je dozvoljen u Srbiji s tim da se setva na većim parcelama mora prijaviti. Kada se govori o uzgoju maka misli se na uzgoj u cilju dobijanja semena. Zasecanje nedozrelih čaura i sakupljanje lateksa je krivično delo. 27-May-2024 05:49:25 daff: recite molim vas, da li je u srbiji zabranjeno gajenje maka (Papaver Somniferum)? 18-May-2024 14:42:23 dr.strik: Pozdrav.Kade moze da najadam meckino grozje bilka -uva -ursi (uvin caj).Dali nekoj prodava ili ima za prodavanje 16-May-2024 19:25:00 hoppla: Pozdrav 30-Apr-2024 12:37:55
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Cactus and Succulent Field Number
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VladaRČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006 Poruke: 2105 Lokacija: Beograd
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006
Poruke: 2105
Lokacija: Beograd
Poslato: Čet Nov 02, 2006 10:27 pm Naslov: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
Sa jednim skorašnjim kaktusom sam dobio ceduljicu:
S. vialaciflorus
SB 112, San Juan Del Rio
Trebala mi je cela večnost da sve rastumačim. Vrstu i pronađoh, a ostalo tek posle detektivskog rada.
Još mi nisu neke stvari jasne... Na adresi ako ukucam SB i 112 dobijem detaljne podatke o čemu Da li je to čovek koji je pokupio seme kaktusa tamo negde u Meksiku? Zar je moguće da se vodi tako detaljna evidencija?
Echinofossulocactus phyllacanthus v. violaciflorus
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Pridružio se: Dec 16, 2005 Poruke: 5961 Lokacija: Niš
Pridružio se: Dec 16, 2005
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Pridružio se: Okt 08, 2006 Poruke: 29 Lokacija: Severni Srem
Pridružio se: Okt 08, 2006
Poruke: 29
Lokacija: Severni Srem
Poslato: Čet Nov 02, 2006 10:55 pm Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
VladaR citat: |
Zar je moguće da se vodi tako detaljna evidencija?
Fascinantno... |
Apsolutno da, a doticna vrste, nekada Stenocactus, je dosta zanimljiva zbog tih valovitih gustig rebara i bogatih i gustih bodlji (mislim na starije vece primerke), imam par komada i simpaticno cvetaju. Pozdrav!
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VladaRČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006 Poruke: 2105 Lokacija: Beograd
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006
Poruke: 2105
Lokacija: Beograd
Poslato: Čet Nov 02, 2006 11:12 pm Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
E, da sam juče umro, umro bih glup!!! Prvo mi je kroz glavu proletelo da li sam u svom neznanju bacio neku od ceduljica koja je imala tako detaljne informacije. I dalje sam fasciniran...
Za ovaj moj dobijem sledeće podatke:
Field number: SB 112
Collector: Steve Brack
Species: Echinofossulocactus phyllacanthus v. violaciflorus
Locality: San Juan del Rio, Queretaro, Mexico
Notes: = E crispatus & E. pentacanthus previous list
Zamislite posao, skupljaš seme kaktusa i prodaješ odgajivačima, a onda tamo neko kada kupi biljku tačno zna odakle potiče. To je posao
Za ovaj sam kaktus pronašao 30 sinonima:
Stenocactus crispatus
Stenocactus arrigens,
Stenocactus lancifer,
Stenocactus lamellosus,
Echinofossulocactus arrigens
Echinofossulocactus confusus,
Echinofossulocactus crispatus,
Echinofossulocactus dichroacanthus
Echinofossulocactus guerraianus,
Echinofossulocactus flexispinus,
Echinofossulocactus kellerianus
Echinofossulocactus lamellosus
Echinofossulocactus lancifer,
Echinofossulocactus multiareolatus
Echinofossulocactus violaciflorus
Echinocactus arrigens,
Echinocactus crispatus,
Echinocactus dichroacanthus,
Echinocactus flexispinus,
Echinocactus lamellosus,
Echinocactus lancifer,
Echinocactus violaciflorus,
Efossus confusus,
Stenocactus confusus,
Stenocactus dichroacanthus,
Stenocactus dichroacanthus var. violaciflorus,
Stenocactus violaciflorus,
Stenocactus lancifer,
Stenocactus lamellosus,
Ferocactus crispatus,
Brittonrosea confusa,
Brittonrosea violaciflora
Svako je davao svoje ime, jer svaka biljka zbog čudnih valovitih rebara drugačije izgleda, pa je svako mislio da je pronašao novu vrstu.
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calypsoZaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2005 Poruke: 1875 Lokacija: Nis
Zaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2005
Poruke: 1875
Lokacija: Nis
Nazad na vrh
Pridružio se: Dec 16, 2005 Poruke: 5961 Lokacija: Niš
Pridružio se: Dec 16, 2005
Poruke: 5961
Lokacija: Niš
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calypsoZaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2005 Poruke: 1875 Lokacija: Nis
Zaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2005
Poruke: 1875
Lokacija: Nis
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VladaRČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006 Poruke: 2105 Lokacija: Beograd
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006
Poruke: 2105
Lokacija: Beograd
Poslato: Pet Nov 03, 2006 12:43 am Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
| sajta o mamilarijama...
What are Field Numbers?
Field Numbers are a way of identifying plants in the field. A field number consists of some letters followed by numbers. For example, ML 36 refers to a plant or seeds that were collected or identified by Michel Lacoste,and it was his 36th plant to be officially identified. Another example of a field number might be Lau 065, which identifies the collector Alfred Lau, and it was his 65th official collection.
The Field Numbers are officially recorded, and normally carry additional information with them. ML 36 was identified as Mammillaria Kraehenbuehlii, and it was specifically found in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. More specifically at Tamazulapan, Santiago Teotongo, road to Conception Buenavista, 2200m.
So as you see, not only does the field number tell us the species, but the specifics on its location in nature. In this case, it includes the elevation of 2200m.
By having plants or seed that are identified with field numbers, the Mammillaria grower can be assured of having an actual species, and not a hybrid plant.
So if you find two Mammillaria of the same species, and one has a field collection number, and the other does not, chose the one with the field collection number…it will be the real species rather than a possible hybrid, and in choosing plants with collection numbers, you encourage nurserymen to propagate plants like those in habitat.
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calypsoZaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2005 Poruke: 1875 Lokacija: Nis
Zaslužni član
Pridružio se: Dec 30, 2005
Poruke: 1875
Lokacija: Nis
Nazad na vrh
VladaRČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006 Poruke: 2105 Lokacija: Beograd
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006
Poruke: 2105
Lokacija: Beograd
Poslato: Pet Nov 03, 2006 1:02 am Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
...i još detaljnije...
Dictionary of botanic terminology
Field number
A field number is the combination of numbers, letters and punctuation, assigned by a collector to identify a plant (s) specimen (s) found in the course of a site visit that occurred at a specific place (locality) and time.
For example: RMF 277 refers to a plant or seeds that were collected or identified by Roger M. Ferryman, and it was his 277th plant to be officially identified.
In this sense, subsequent collections of plants supposedly from the same locality place are assigned a different field number, even if the later collection was made by the same collectors (s). This concept prevents the merging of different plant collections and helps to eliminate geographic mistakes. Each field number is considered to be and catalogued as a single collection event. This concept of a field number prevents different collections of plants mistakenly assumed to be from the same place from being combined under the same previously existing locality number. If several specimens of the same kind are taken at the same place and time, these duplicates are given the same number.
The Field number enables to identify the locality of provenience of a plant by using the collector's field number.
By having plants or seed that are identified with field numbers, a plants grower can be secure of having an authentic species, and not a hybrid plant.
The Field Numbers are officially recorded, and usually carry supplementary information with them:
The genus and species: of the plant specimen.
The locality of collection: full geographic indication of the city, county, state, and country. (eventually inclusive of topographic maps with the locality indicated and latitude and longitude data)
The habitat: Geology, climate, moisture, soil, sunlight, elevation and any other information provided by the collector.
The Date of collection: The month day and year the specimens were collected.
The name of the collector: Name of individual (s) who collected the specimens or name of the collecting group e.g. the name of the institution or organization which collected the specimens
The name of the person who identified the specimen: if not the collector.
Additional descriptions: the names of associated plants found growing in the immediate vicinity, the colour of the flowers or other information about flower, fruit and other parts of the plants, The kind of root system, and the presence of rhizomes, bulbs, or other below-ground parts, the height of the plant, the abundance of the plant in the area, field notes, and any other information provided by the collector.
Photography: Locality images, (landscape, plants, and other aspects provided by the collector)
For example:
Field number: RMF 277
Species: Eriosyce napina ssp. lembckei var. duripulpa (originally collected with the provisional name of Thelocephala sp)
Collector: Roger M. Ferryman
Locality: Punta Lobos (Road from Vallenar to Huasco), Region III (Atacama), Chile
Date of collection: December 1985
Mislim da je sa sajma u Beogradu, samo ne znam kod koga sam kupio . U tom trenutku nisam obratio pažnju, mislio sam da je samo ime, kasnije mi je bilo nečitko i nejasno šta sve to znači, evo sve do danas.
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DaceZaslužni član
Pridružio se: Apr 13, 2005 Poruke: 816 Lokacija: Cuprija
Zaslužni član
Pridružio se: Apr 13, 2005
Poruke: 816
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Pridružio se: Dec 16, 2005 Poruke: 5961 Lokacija: Niš
Pridružio se: Dec 16, 2005
Poruke: 5961
Lokacija: Niš
Poslato: Pet Nov 03, 2006 12:24 pm Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
Ma sve ok, al neki su mu mnogo lepo ime dali - violaciflorus, ma baš lepo jel cvet cveta ljubičasto ili šta?
_________________ Eadem mutata resurgo.
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VladaRČlan Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006 Poruke: 2105 Lokacija: Beograd
Član Udruženja
Pridružio se: Okt 07, 2006
Poruke: 2105
Lokacija: Beograd
Poslato: Pet Nov 03, 2006 1:27 pm Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
Nažalost, mogu samo u internet da se pouzdam kad je u pitanju cvet, ja sam još daleko od cvetanja mog kaktusa. Možda neko drugi ima sliku, npr. andromed.
San Juan del Rio
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Pridružio se: Okt 08, 2006 Poruke: 29 Lokacija: Severni Srem
Pridružio se: Okt 08, 2006
Poruke: 29
Lokacija: Severni Srem
Poslato: Pet Nov 03, 2006 3:22 pm Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
VladaR citat: |
Možda neko drugi ima sliku, npr. andromed. |
Dobro de, kad me vec prozivate dajte mi malo vremena, probacu da iskopam neku svoju fotku sa cvetom, mislim da negde imam. Kacim cim nadjem.
P.S. cini mi se da je cvet prilicno sitan, beo sa nekim prugama, al' ne drzite me za rec.
Nazad na vrh
Pridružio se: Okt 08, 2006 Poruke: 29 Lokacija: Severni Srem
Pridružio se: Okt 08, 2006
Poruke: 29
Lokacija: Severni Srem
Poslato: Pet Nov 03, 2006 3:47 pm Naslov: Re: Cactus and Succulent Field Number
Evo, izvinite na nekvalitetu fotke, sad sam je skenirao posto je radjena standardnim aparatom. Kraj maja prosle godine, ove godine nisam stigao da ulovim, al' to je to.
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